Health Insurance

Did you know…

Every 26 seconds someone in the U.S. suffers from a heart attack. (American Heart Association’s Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics 2005)

Every 23 seconds someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with cancer. (American Cancer Society’s Cancer Facts and Figures 2005)

Every 45 seconds someone in the U.S. suffers a stroke.  (American Stroke Association’s Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics 2005)

The risk of critical or sudden illness is a reality that no one is ever really ready to deal with, which is why obtaining an affordable protection plan that you can count on can help with the expenses that come along with unfortunate circumstances. Providing your family with necessary financial support is important because the cost of living remains very high.

The problem: You are in need of immediate financial help.

The expenses

  • Loss of Income
  • Child Care
  • Lifestyle Change
  • Special Medical Needs
  • Less Savings and Retirement
  • Insurance Deductibles
  • Co-insurance Payments
  • Money to “tide a family over”

The solution: Critical Illness protection that pays a lump sum benefit directly to you upon first diagnosis of critical illness.

  • Cancer (if benefit requested)
  • Major Organ Transplant
  • Heart Attack
  • Total Loss of Eyesight
  • Stroke
  • Total Loss of Hearing
  • End Stage Renal Failure

Volcy Financial Services offers two types of health insurance benefit plans that will help secure your needs:

Our health insurance products include:

  • Cancer
  • Critical Illness
  • Hospital Intensive Care
  • Hospital Accident
  • Accident Protector Plus
  • Accident
  • Hospital Income

To receive a FREE insurance analysis, Click Here!

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